Saturday, June 25, 2011

The crew

Camelot Academy

Welcome! Many of you know that we homeschool. With deciding to homeschool we have also decided to name our home school 'Camelot Academy', so we could have fun shirts and such clothes to be proud of being homeschooled. So with that idea we pushed it even further by calling us the 'Knights'. Go Knights! Sitting at the round table, listening, growing and living as a child in Christ. 
This fall will be my 3rd year. And I will have a 2nd, 1st, kindergartener and preschooler. We have started each child in ABEKA. I love there style for learning to read. That was a big stresser in starting homeschooling."You mean I will teach them to read?"...big GULP. But once Olivia started reading and very quickly reading 3rd grade level, I was very relieved!
Now this year Olivia is going to start Christian Light, while the others are staying with ABEKA. Why? ask. Each child has a different way of learning. Olivia learns very quickly, once she has it she's ready to move on. I don't want our kids bored. So making changes is very important! For me, anyway! Also thankfully I have had a handful of homeschool moms help me with tons of advice along the way. I'm so grateful for them!
So here is the start of many, of what I hope is a helpful blog post for all those moms just starting to homeschool with young children.