Many of you know our story from the past years. And I really wish I had this book to read to have helped. It probably would have taken me a lot shorter time to forgive. Forgiveness means making the decision to move forward. And have faith that God will take care of the rest. THAT my dear, is a challenge of a life time!
Of course I want to control what happens to the rotten scum that needed my forgiveness ;0) and I have a horrible time forgetting what people do to me. I haven't had many people hurt me in my life. So when someone does, it hurts me to the core!
The author says, first step is to refuse to store up and harbor a grudge. How hard is it for you to get through that first step??? First thing I want to tell these people is rot in jeLLo ;0) do I ever say it? Ha! Absolutely not! But I'm biting my tongue NOT to say it.
Then she says, you must leave room for God to act on your behalf. Another hard step because of course we want to see what God is going to do to these people. All in Gods timing. Not ours. So hard!! He might hand out a punishment that you don't see for years or you don't notice at all.
Remind yourself!!! "leave room for God's wrath" Romans 12:19
Third step, you must pray! I actually make this my first step because I am lost and need His guidance. Whether, its as little as my husband hurt my feelings or a friend crushed my heart. Prayer is my salvation! It calms me and clears my head. I still will be mad for a bit or even a while. But I know I'm heading in the right direction with prayer!
"Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive." Colossians 3:13
Remember! Being a woman resolved to forgive can save your friendships, rescue your marriage, restore your relationship,rebuild your life, refurbish your business, reestablish your work , and help you regain your very self, allowing you to live freely. Lovingly. With joy......Amen? AMEN!
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