Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter 9- My Heart

I think as a woman and a mother I have a caring heart. But this chapter makes you look at yourself to see if your willing to act on that caring heart.
Are we one of those that enjoy the listening, reading, and worshipping! Yet don't act, and neglect all those that are need of our care around us. REMEMBER: Jesus didn't just preach it, He lived it! Shouldn't that be out daily motto?

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

1. Justice- seeking solutions that are fair, reasonable, objective and expressive of the love of Christ. Does this describe you??
2. Mercy-have a hearty interest in doing things that bless and impact others' lives. This is what God's mercy looks toward you and me. Why isn't it how we look towards others'?
3. Humility-put justice and mercy together and you get humility. When your walking humility and trusting Him. Dont you think He will show you your next "mission", so you can receive it and respond to it with humility?
Are you worried about change? That you would have to change your life and make yourself uncomfortable? I am! Yet I want to walk the walk of humility. Like He has done for me! I'm going to act now! How about you?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chapter 8- My Integrity

<p>Blessed are those whose way is blameless. Psalm 119:1</p>

<p>Integrity means being the same underneath as we are on the outside. Unimpaired, whole and sound.

This was a challenging chapter only because I pride myself on being the same person since my younger days. I've always had many strengths; being thoughtful, a listener, happy, positive ect...but even in those strengths little items pop up. Sooner or later pressures of life have fallen into tiny pieces and have changed or challenged me. I've even fallen into a deep depression. But through Him, and Him alone, I regained my integrity. And now, know the signs and symptoms, if it all comes back like a "hidden disease".

I resolve to be a woman of integrity! The best gift for myself and everyone around me. No hidden secrets. God is my leader and my guide to stay in track!! I want to encourage woman to embrace the same!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He has Risen!!! He has Risen indeed!!

I was rushing around this morning, like most Sunday mornings. But this morning was extra busy. Trying to get lunch ready for after church and breakfast warmed up to bring to church. Getting the kids and Eric to look beautiful and handsome. Baby fed and dressed. Me, half way put together ;0) Of course we were running later than I liked.

As Eric dropped me off at the front door of the church, as to make my breakfast delivery easier, I was greeted at the door by a church friend saying "He has Risen". Quickly reminding me of the real importance of the day. Suddenly feeling less frazzled and more tuned in to the day. I thanked her and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with my church family. I really enjoy my family at church. Loving, kind and generous!

Liam was dedicated today. Such a blessing and experience that was! He was such a little gentleman. Not scared being in front of the whole congregation nor being in our pastors arms. So glad my 4 oldest and some of my family could be there.

Our day continued with a wonderful church service and lunch with my family. The sun just a glowing, crisp breeze blowing and a quick nap.

Not everyone believes what happen today, nor why it has such importance. But someday I hope your eyes are open, to the gift. The gift of of His love. The love that saved you and me from certain death. So we can stand at the right hand of God. Enjoying our life with Him! Thank you Jesus! For the price you paid for me!

He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!


Thursday, April 5, 2012 can't stop him!!

<3 Liam is an amazing little boy!
7 months has been a huge transition month!

Standing by hisself
Then crawling
Then walking along the couch
All within 2 weeks. Yikes!!


Eric had his appendix taken out 3 weeks ago. What an experience!! So glad he is healing well!!

It totally took Eric by surprise! And he doesn't like surprises :) so once at the hospital, he requested his book(always is reading) and I requested him have some Ativan :) can you tell which picture is after Ativan? LOL

Chapter 7- My Forgiveness

Many of you know our story from the past years. And I really wish I had this book to read to have helped. It probably would have taken me a lot shorter time to forgive. Forgiveness means making the decision to move forward. And have faith that God will take care of the rest. THAT my dear, is a challenge of a life time!
Of course I want to control what happens to the rotten scum that needed my forgiveness ;0) and I have a horrible time forgetting what people do to me. I haven't had many people hurt me in my life. So when someone does, it hurts me to the core!
The author says, first step is to refuse to store up and harbor a grudge. How hard is it for you to get through that first step??? First thing I want to tell these people is rot in jeLLo ;0) do I ever say it? Ha! Absolutely not! But I'm biting my tongue NOT to say it.
Then she says, you must leave room for God to act on your behalf. Another hard step because of course we want to see what God is going to do to these people. All in Gods timing. Not ours. So hard!! He might hand out a punishment that you don't see for years or you don't notice at all.
Remind yourself!!!  "leave room for God's wrath" Romans 12:19
Third step, you must pray! I actually make this my first step because I am lost and need His guidance. Whether, its as little as my husband hurt my feelings or a friend crushed my heart. Prayer is my salvation! It calms me and clears my head. I still will be mad for a bit or even a while. But I know I'm heading in the right direction with prayer!

"Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive." Colossians 3:13

Remember! Being a woman resolved to forgive can save your friendships, rescue your marriage, restore your relationship,rebuild your life, refurbish your business, reestablish your work , and help you regain your very self, allowing you to live freely. Lovingly. With joy......Amen? AMEN!