So we have decided to turn off the cable. We have been debating this for over a year. It's a large bill every month and there is isn't many channels that we do watch. We get distracted by silly shows instead of getting more work done.
This week we have put up the tv antenna and got a few channels. And now we know why we had cable. LOL! Regular tv is even worse! Now tv never gets turned on and we have been very productive. I never really knew how bad the tv was a distraction to us until this week :)
I'm glad we have made this decision. But definitely something to get use to!!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Cable's out!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Chapter 11- Fulfilling My Husband
Are you willing to change you for the good of your marriage/relationship? Are you that commited? Are you all in? Or hanging on for dear life?
Eric and I dated for 6 years. Would I wait that long again? Not really ;) and yes, Eric agrees he shouldn't have waited that long. But boy did we learn a lot from each other in those years. Coming from really different backgrounds.
Going into marriage I was fully aware what Eric was looking for in a wife. And of course I fully agreed to fulfil those needs. And I totally agree with this chapter that says your husband wants to be your hero. When he knows that, all of a sudden he has "super human strength". Don't you agree?
If your constantly nagging him, complaining, or your voice is overwhelmingly loud. Do you honestly think he is going to want to be YOUR hero? Your being a pain. And now you think you deserve fulfillment from him. HA! Not even close!
It am constantly aware of what comes out of my mouth. Not that I don't disagree with him at times. But I promise you, you will NEVER see me put down my husband in front if others. Even in front of girlfriends. I see it as disrespectful. Yes, we will laugh at the odd things they do. But I feel like I need to talk about my husband like he is in the room. No one likes to be put down or made fun of. Do you? Respect is a two way street!
Also, I want to add that I have taught myself when to be quiet and just listen. Especially when its tough not to! No, I am far from perfect on this. But I really what my tongue. Eric asks my opinion constantly. But I know when its time to zip it. Otherwise I could be starting to get disrespectful.
The author did add add a tiny bit to the "bedroom" scenerio. And I just wanted to add.....what makes him happy. Makes me happy. Your attitude is a huge help to your "hero's" attitude. You might have had a long day, yet so has he! Don't be selfish! This will make your marriage a smoother one!
This is a great chapter! And I have a lot to say about it but!! I will his add, honoring him will only make your marriage stronger!!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Chapter 9- My Heart
I think as a woman and a mother I have a caring heart. But this chapter makes you look at yourself to see if your willing to act on that caring heart.
Are we one of those that enjoy the listening, reading, and worshipping! Yet don't act, and neglect all those that are need of our care around us. REMEMBER: Jesus didn't just preach it, He lived it! Shouldn't that be out daily motto?
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
1. Justice- seeking solutions that are fair, reasonable, objective and expressive of the love of Christ. Does this describe you??
2. Mercy-have a hearty interest in doing things that bless and impact others' lives. This is what God's mercy looks toward you and me. Why isn't it how we look towards others'?
3. Humility-put justice and mercy together and you get humility. When your walking humility and trusting Him. Dont you think He will show you your next "mission", so you can receive it and respond to it with humility?
Are you worried about change? That you would have to change your life and make yourself uncomfortable? I am! Yet I want to walk the walk of humility. Like He has done for me! I'm going to act now! How about you?
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Chapter 8- My Integrity
<p>Blessed are those whose way is blameless. Psalm 119:1</p>
<p>Integrity means being the same underneath as we are on the outside. Unimpaired, whole and sound.
This was a challenging chapter only because I pride myself on being the same person since my younger days. I've always had many strengths; being thoughtful, a listener, happy, positive ect...but even in those strengths little items pop up. Sooner or later pressures of life have fallen into tiny pieces and have changed or challenged me. I've even fallen into a deep depression. But through Him, and Him alone, I regained my integrity. And now, know the signs and symptoms, if it all comes back like a "hidden disease".
I resolve to be a woman of integrity! The best gift for myself and everyone around me. No hidden secrets. God is my leader and my guide to stay in track!! I want to encourage woman to embrace the same!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
He has Risen!!! He has Risen indeed!!
I was rushing around this morning, like most Sunday mornings. But this morning was extra busy. Trying to get lunch ready for after church and breakfast warmed up to bring to church. Getting the kids and Eric to look beautiful and handsome. Baby fed and dressed. Me, half way put together ;0) Of course we were running later than I liked.
As Eric dropped me off at the front door of the church, as to make my breakfast delivery easier, I was greeted at the door by a church friend saying "He has Risen". Quickly reminding me of the real importance of the day. Suddenly feeling less frazzled and more tuned in to the day. I thanked her and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with my church family. I really enjoy my family at church. Loving, kind and generous!
Liam was dedicated today. Such a blessing and experience that was! He was such a little gentleman. Not scared being in front of the whole congregation nor being in our pastors arms. So glad my 4 oldest and some of my family could be there.
Our day continued with a wonderful church service and lunch with my family. The sun just a glowing, crisp breeze blowing and a quick nap.
Not everyone believes what happen today, nor why it has such importance. But someday I hope your eyes are open, to the gift. The gift of of His love. The love that saved you and me from certain death. So we can stand at the right hand of God. Enjoying our life with Him! Thank you Jesus! For the price you paid for me!
He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!
Thursday, April 5, 2012 can't stop him!!
<3 Liam is an amazing little boy!
7 months has been a huge transition month!
Standing by hisself
Then crawling
Then walking along the couch
All within 2 weeks. Yikes!!
Eric had his appendix taken out 3 weeks ago. What an experience!! So glad he is healing well!!
It totally took Eric by surprise! And he doesn't like surprises :) so once at the hospital, he requested his book(always is reading) and I requested him have some Ativan :) can you tell which picture is after Ativan? LOL
Chapter 7- My Forgiveness
Many of you know our story from the past years. And I really wish I had this book to read to have helped. It probably would have taken me a lot shorter time to forgive. Forgiveness means making the decision to move forward. And have faith that God will take care of the rest. THAT my dear, is a challenge of a life time!
Of course I want to control what happens to the rotten scum that needed my forgiveness ;0) and I have a horrible time forgetting what people do to me. I haven't had many people hurt me in my life. So when someone does, it hurts me to the core!
The author says, first step is to refuse to store up and harbor a grudge. How hard is it for you to get through that first step??? First thing I want to tell these people is rot in jeLLo ;0) do I ever say it? Ha! Absolutely not! But I'm biting my tongue NOT to say it.
Then she says, you must leave room for God to act on your behalf. Another hard step because of course we want to see what God is going to do to these people. All in Gods timing. Not ours. So hard!! He might hand out a punishment that you don't see for years or you don't notice at all.
Remind yourself!!! "leave room for God's wrath" Romans 12:19
Third step, you must pray! I actually make this my first step because I am lost and need His guidance. Whether, its as little as my husband hurt my feelings or a friend crushed my heart. Prayer is my salvation! It calms me and clears my head. I still will be mad for a bit or even a while. But I know I'm heading in the right direction with prayer!
"Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive." Colossians 3:13
Remember! Being a woman resolved to forgive can save your friendships, rescue your marriage, restore your relationship,rebuild your life, refurbish your business, reestablish your work , and help you regain your very self, allowing you to live freely. Lovingly. With joy......Amen? AMEN!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Chapter 6- My Blessing
Well, I might as well have highlighted this whole chapter. Between everything I agreed with and everything I needed to learn. There is a lot of bright yellow in this chapter :)
The gift....of listening. Opening our ears and shutting our mouths. My husband and I have talked about this through the years, especially when I was working as a nurse and the first few years of marriage. I was stressed! And Eric was who I talked and complained to. You could tell he was uncomfortable and really didn't have the right words to say, which irritated me even more. So one day he said, but I can't fix it. And I told him, I didn't want it fixed I just wanted him to listen. Because when I was talking I was trying to fix it and figure it out in my own mind. I didn't need him to add to the commotion in my head. So now....he listens :)
I feel like I'm very much a great listener. But the older I get the more experience I have through different situations, I feel like I need to vocalize that. And now I need to tell myself. Shut up! Listen and when the time is right and they ask for my opinion. Then talk.
Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. Proverbs 10:19
So much wisdom in that verse! With wisdom of keeping your mouth shut, comes humility in my eyes. You don't always have to be right, or have the bigger story or have all the answers. Many times people aren't looking for answers. They are looking for guidance and love through your eyes. Eye contact makes anyone know you are showing love and respect to them. You are wise beyond your years when you can give anyone that feeling. This includes your children, husband and friends.... "So the blessing of silence. May we learn it, love it, and live it according to it"....
So, let's end this chapter by thinking and understanding. The greatest gift and the hardest gift for us as women are one in the same. The gift of listening. We know how to talk fast and loud ;) but hold that tongue! Humble yourself and listen. Not listen to always be ready to give an opinion. But listen because people need that love and respect. You will be surprised how you will feel once you have gotten to that point. And you will be surprised at those peoples reactions to you!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Chapter 5- My Best
Have you realized your "life plate" is so full of responsibilities that you can't put your all into every space? Isn't that just daunting to think about?
Of course it has taken me many years to figure out how full I want my "plate", and how to keep it organized in my life. Then life changes and you have to reprioritize again. It's a constant battle!
When I start a project I want to be 100% in. When I'm in a friendship I'm 100% in. When doing anything I want to be 100% in. But when I'm fighting life. I cant be in 100%, mentally, physically, or spiritually. I'm not focused. That drives me crazy!
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory." (I Corinthians 10:31)
Once in a while a friends talent stands out. And I think, why aren't I doing that? Or... I could teach myself to do that! Then I think how the heck would I be able to add that to my day, or my life. Everyone has a talent that is God given them! Whether it's meal making, being a full time mother, a people person, a sewer, teaching, cake maker, ect....and there are days I want all those talents :) but that is the perfectionist coming out of me...No matter what I would like to do or be, I can't do everything and spread myself to thin. That includes what I want to be involved in with church, family, and friends. I want to give my all and then say "Good Job!" to myself. So saying all that. I want to add. Don't save your best for later. Bring your best. All your gifts, skills, talents, and abilities for his glory. Not for anyone to notice. But for you to notice and enjoy that feeling. How I feel......God blesses those who bless others!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My daily workout
I've had some people ask what I use for my workouts. Well, this is it. It's the old version. But I love it!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Chapter 4- Faithfully His
Do you take responsibility for your actions? Do you march to a higher standard, a different beat? Pushing your way to Gods standards, and less of worldly standards? How will you handle staying committed to what heaven is calling you to do, FAITHFUL?
I have been called to be a stay at home mom. I want my family to be number one. I can handle many things at once. But coming home after a long day with people that complain and aren't grateful. And being of good spirit for my family, would not happen. It didn't happen when I didn't have a family. So why would it change after 5 children and exhaustion from all that! I realize that that isn't the norm these days. But I find happiness and pleasure at the end of the day when my children have smiles on their faces and contentment in their voices.
I have also been called to be a faithful wife. And what do I mean by that? A wife that still, after so many years of a relationship and marriage, has a racing heart to see my husband come home everyday. I love my husbands days off and wish he had more days to spend with us. I'm not the kind of person who kicks my husband to the couch, for a simple disagreement. Or to disrespect my husband with hurtful words, that hurt his ego.
This is definitely not everyone's calling. But do you know your calling for your relationships? Husband/family? Have you just shushed for a moment to have silence and hear what He might be calling of you?
James 1:3 esv
For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
Faithfully His. Are you allowing everything you believe about God and His Word to consistently guide your feet, your hands, your mind, your heart? Don't you think He deserves that? Don't you think you deserve that? Don't you like being that "odd" person who stands out of a crowd because you have a path that is outside the box of this world? I love it!! Call me weird, odd, not "in". I love it and soak it in. Way far from perfect. Way far from normal.
His Word is our tool, to give you inspiration and guidance. To live a life that is faithful. A reminder of who you really are, why you're really here, and who you really belong to. No matter your past, and the mistakes you make in the future. You have a guide. His Word! Commit to it today!!
It's In The Valleys I Grow
It's In The Valleys I Grow
Sometimes life seems hard to bear, Full of sorrow, trouble and woe It's then I have to remember That it's in the valleys I grow.
If I always stayed on the mountain top And never experienced pain, I would never appreciate God's love And would be living in vain.
I have so much to learn And my growth is very slow, Sometimes I need the mountain tops, But it's in the valleys I grow.
I do not always understand Why things happen as they do, But I am very sure of one thing. My Lord will see me through.
My little valleys are nothing When I picture Christ on the cross He went through the valley of death; His victory was Satan's loss.
Forgive me Lord, for complaining When I'm feeling so very low. Just give me a gentle reminder That it's in the valleys I grow.
Continue to strengthen me, Lord And use my life each day To share your love with others And help them find their way.
Thank you for valleys, Lord For this one thing I know The mountain tops are glorious But it's in the valleys I grow!
by Jane Eggleston
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Staying accountable....
I receive compliments constantly of how well we parent. Or even how our children are so well behave. "You must be doing something right" they say. It might look like we are perfect parents, but boy, learning comes at all ages of life.
But there is a hard trait that I will own up to. I am not perfect (say what?? Your not perfect :)and I'm the first to admit to it that. My sharp tongue....
This is my down fall!! I have my dads short fuse and sharp mouth. I know it and truly find it a horrible trait. That I am trying to break. I catch myself, telling myself, "you sound like your father!" I am no Mrs. Duggar. She speaks softly and gently to her children.
Well, since I keep catching myself. I started apologizing to my kids. They don't need that sharpness to learn, listen and obey! I have reached the point of counting to 10. Before reacting or saying anything. I can not stand to see their hurt faces any more. I know they need to be corrected, when they get out of hand. But I'm the adult, the mother, the Christian who needs to stand accountable. So as I write this....I am standing here, being accountable. To myself, my children and my Lord
Proverbs 15:4 NIV
The soothing tongue is a tree of life,
but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:32 NIV
Those who disregard discipline despise themselves,
but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.
Chapter 3- Authentically Me
I'm going to blend all 4 sections together in this chapter. This chapter is all about Me, and You.
We are perfectly picked from His hands. Do you realize how valuable you are? I don't all the time. My self image has always been low. But being overweight affects the brain and how the world views you affects my self image. My self worth goes up and down as well. I think thats with every women!?
I have never gotten many kind words from my dad. Not that he was mean. He just wasnt into giving out compliments. Not until this last year, did my dad actually give me many compliments. Did you know that when he gave me a compliment my self worth jumped a mile up into the air!? Why? Because I have made my own self worth through the years. Not waiting around for him to "bless" me with his words. I knew I wouldn't get anything from my dad. So I made sure to push through and work hard to show everyone else my worth. I didn't want that one distraction to lessen my self worth. I knew my potential was great!
(Jeremiah 1:5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.)
Reading/listening to His words......... Like a daughter to her Father. He chose, set apart , and annointed me! On purpose! For, A purpose! For some reason I feel a glow around me when I think about God choosing me! I feel like I can embrace my special role/roles. But do you know your role? Or do u feel like ur still floating around not sure where to plant your feet. If you think about it and accept it. He has selected the "soil" where you're presently growing. He knows what is going to happen next. How you will reach your potential and use your gifts. To grow. To yield. To produce. Do you know your value in God's eyes? Like the author said....."Resolve to love being you, the way He loved creating you."
What makes you unique? Ask yourself. Ask others. Write them down! Your strengths and weaknesses. Accept and treasure your value! We never need to depend on others approval or compliments but yet as women we feel vindicated when we do get those from other women.
This chapter is about accepting yourself. Your unique self. Not everyone is going to like it. But it was made with a hand of your Father. Grow, Yield, Produce!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
January is done!
Well, well, well......January was a true success! I've never had this kind of success. Lost 3 lbs a week, too round out the month with a 12 lb weight lost.
Half way through I wanted to quit because I was at the point of "weight loss was not happening so why keep going?" But thanks to encouraging words from friends, that are also trying to loose weight, I continued on. And boy, am I ever thankful to them!
On Sunday, January 29, I have also started the South Beach diet, phase 1. Phase 1, I thought would be a huge challenge. But it really hasn't. I am feeling great! I still have to watch myself with the snacking. That's what has always been a downfall. Grab something unhealthy for a quick something to pass the time.
Phase 1 is a 2 week phase that involves no sugar. I mean NONE! I haven't had one treat, nor bread, in 4 days! Carb's are my "crack" addiction. Ever since I was little! I have a picture of myself sneaking into a cracker box when I was 5. That picture, as adorable as it is ;) tells me a lot.
I know I have been a very active child, and adult. But my problem has always been eating choices. And the amount. I love food! You can tell more than half my family is from the south :) Mmmmm, butter, carbs and dessert!! Paula Deen style!
So here we go into February. Goal- another 12 lbs!! I have 8 more days of Phase 1. Then I am going to do another round of body measurements. I will also see if I want to continue another round of Phase 1 or move on to Phase 2.
(Now on another note....the kids. I have not changed their diet to Phase 1. I have however added many more vegetables to their daily lives. I've still had to make some changes. But they are taking it like good troopers!)
Here we go.....February!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Chapter 2- Purposefully Feminine
Pretty in Print?
After reading this chapter I am so grateful I am a women. A purposefully feminine Christian women....
My husband calls me the heart of the household. My opinion is asked for in every decision, I know what is going on in a daily bases and yes, I usually know more that him. But that's the hearts structure. Doesn't mean I'm the boss, or I'm the one with the "pants on" in the family, just means to keep everything and everyone running smoothly you need one central location to go to.
Now knowing this, and realizing now that I have read the first part of the chapter. That is a big role!! I'm in the spotlight! Forget having to be on stage and thousands watching and hearing you. This involves your children and how they perceive you. Yikes! Will I cause my daughters either to desire biblical femininity or fight against it. Will I encourage or sons either to appreciate it or take advantage of it. Whoa! I never saw it as that. Did you? Are you ready for that role or do you feel repressive?
It's Good to Be a Girl
Do you understand your role? The importance of your role? Your touch, experience, wisdom and feminine heart.
On page 40, the second full paragraph...after reading the story about the Samaritan woman and Jesus...I now understand my biblical role of womanhood in this day and age. God's Word says we're "Good. Necessary. Important. Worthy. Trustworthy." Being a women is a gift!
I just want to say Ahhhhh....feels great that God trust me as a women in such a special position in this world. Its such a big deal, if I think to deep, eeek! Such a big deal.
Role Reversal
Ok, I really want to take a minute and talk about a lot in this section. Such a little section but such a big impact to me.
Do you realize what she is saying about Jesus? He was the most powerful Man to ever walk the earth and even He could display humility in order to achieve a much, much greater result!!! What women don't understand these days is 'order matters'!! You might not like it, understand it or even agree to it But it matters! Less chaos arises. Life is simpler! Don't you agree?
Submission is a word no modern women wants to hear these days. Most think we are inferior then. But it is so far from being correct.
(Ok, here is my opinion. Take it how you want to. You might not like it.And I'm ok with that.......I love my husband having the head role in my house!! Do I agree to every decision, nope. But I know my role. I will not ridicule him, be little him, or humiliate him. I am responsible for my part in our relationship. We are not yellers. I voice my opinion when I think its needed. In a respectful way! Husbands love and grow when you give them respect. I feel that is showing my submission to him.)
And like the last paragraph in the chapter says...."A place if freedom and PEACE awaits every woman who aligned herself with God's design." I so agree with this!!!
Ok, ok :) I'm done. Please comment away!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Chapter 1- Surprisingly Satisfied
Every Bite Counts
Do you ever start reading a book and in the first paragraph you get a 'slap' of HELLO! PAY ATTENTION! It's happen to me before and boy did it happen again.
First off, I just turned 36 and so did the author. Then on page 15, in the first paragraph...."That's been me." That is so me! Always looking for the next joyful moment and not pausing to enjoy the joyful moments every day.
Contentment- 1 Timothy 6:6 True godliness with contentment is itself wealth.
So have you been doing the same? Looking for that next great, better experience?
The Secret
A few years ago, we went through a trying time. I was just trying to make it through that trial. Forget about what was going on around me. Including my children. I missed so much because of that. Moments I won't get back.
I believe everyone goes through a phase or phases of discontentment. Whether if its your spouse, your marriage, your boss, your children, your life, your family and even your weight. Do you realize what word is in front of each of those problem areas? YOUR... It ends up all about YOU.
Philippians 4:13... I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.
2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to make every grace overflow to you....
**God is the secret.**
When we choose to realize and fully engage our life open to Him. Finally we can and will live our lives to the fullest! So was it really a secret or were we just hiding it for a rainy day?
On page 22, these are some great questions!! I'm going to do this. I hope you do as well.
Overflowing Blessing
"Give, and it will be given to you." Stop the complaining. Open your eyes and see the reward God gave you. Contentment! Like the author said "Live this moment. Pour yourself out. Drain the experience of each preciouse day. And be prepared for God's overflowing blessing." All I have to say to that is AMEN!! Give of yourself. How does your heart feel?
Don't forget to record your thoughts. So when you finish this book and see how your thoughts have grown from beginning to end of this book.
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Resolution Revolution
Welcome! I'm truly excited about this. Growing myself and seeing your comments!
Well, let's start from the very beginning. I've highlighted some areas that I thought were good and got me thinking.
Pg 1...3rd paragraph. When I read that I felt like such a failure. That is me!! Did I even give it a try? Probably not!
Pg 2...2nd full paragraph at the bottom, in the middle. "We need to make sure the banner that flies over our lives and announces to the world who we genuinely that changes things in us and around us for the better."......I'm thinking YES!!! That is what I want!! I've always wanted that!
I can't stand facing my faults, but really its nice that its coming from a book that won't talk I'm sure I'm not the only one ;) so let's open our hearts, close our mouths and read on.
Let's continue reading. Let's consider every suggestion and biblical principle and actually take time to resolving them into our own lives. This is really going to be life changing for me and hopefully for you as well! So before we end this section before chapter 1 starts. Go over the 13 resolutions again, on page 6,. The biggest part of these 13 Resolutions are the first two words, I Will! Let's keep this in mind as we continue reading each chapter........
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year....New Perspective
Since starting to loose weight in October, I haven't been very successful. But its a new year and I'm so ready to loose some weight! 40 lbs to be April 30th.
My goal is 2-3 lbs a week. I'm going back to shredding and getting more active with the kids. Putting down the crochet needle for a bit and Get Moving! We also have changed our daily menu. With lunch being the main meal of the day and salad/vegetables are for supper time.
This year is a very big year for us. Changes in every corner of our lives. Spiritually, physically, financially, and business. It might not be finished this year, might take 2-3 years BUT its getting started what counts most!!
So let's begin with this hot mama look again!! New Year....
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Resolution for Women
Over a month ago, Eric and I went to see Courageous. It was an amazing movie. It stirred up many emotions with Eric and I.
During the movie we found out about this book, The Resolution for Women, and The Resolution for Men. Along with The Resolution print, which is for men. In signing and displaying it, it affirms their commitment to the Lord and their family.
We went to the local Christian bookstore right after watching the movie and they were sold out of everything. We finally found the books and print after Thanksgiving. We also pre ordered the movie.
Eric started reading The Resolution for Men right away. It had a true and deep affect on him!! Definitely see's things differently. At that time I had crochet orders up to my eyeballs. So I decided to make it a New Years resolution to read The Resolution for Women. Not only read it but blog my thoughts. Lord knows and I know I am not a perfect woman. I am always looking to grow, as a Christian, wife, mother, friend and just personally.
So saying this. I would love for you to join me. Add comments, agree or disagree with me. Whatever you like. I see this as being a women's bible study. Not meeting as a group at one time. But in your time.
God bless! May we grow as women together!!