I've had some people ask what I use for my workouts. Well, this is it. It's the old version. But I love it!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Chapter 4- Faithfully His
Do you take responsibility for your actions? Do you march to a higher standard, a different beat? Pushing your way to Gods standards, and less of worldly standards? How will you handle staying committed to what heaven is calling you to do, FAITHFUL?
I have been called to be a stay at home mom. I want my family to be number one. I can handle many things at once. But coming home after a long day with people that complain and aren't grateful. And being of good spirit for my family, would not happen. It didn't happen when I didn't have a family. So why would it change after 5 children and exhaustion from all that! I realize that that isn't the norm these days. But I find happiness and pleasure at the end of the day when my children have smiles on their faces and contentment in their voices.
I have also been called to be a faithful wife. And what do I mean by that? A wife that still, after so many years of a relationship and marriage, has a racing heart to see my husband come home everyday. I love my husbands days off and wish he had more days to spend with us. I'm not the kind of person who kicks my husband to the couch, for a simple disagreement. Or to disrespect my husband with hurtful words, that hurt his ego.
This is definitely not everyone's calling. But do you know your calling for your relationships? Husband/family? Have you just shushed for a moment to have silence and hear what He might be calling of you?
James 1:3 esv
For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
Faithfully His. Are you allowing everything you believe about God and His Word to consistently guide your feet, your hands, your mind, your heart? Don't you think He deserves that? Don't you think you deserve that? Don't you like being that "odd" person who stands out of a crowd because you have a path that is outside the box of this world? I love it!! Call me weird, odd, not "in". I love it and soak it in. Way far from perfect. Way far from normal.
His Word is our tool, to give you inspiration and guidance. To live a life that is faithful. A reminder of who you really are, why you're really here, and who you really belong to. No matter your past, and the mistakes you make in the future. You have a guide. His Word! Commit to it today!!
It's In The Valleys I Grow
It's In The Valleys I Grow
Sometimes life seems hard to bear, Full of sorrow, trouble and woe It's then I have to remember That it's in the valleys I grow.
If I always stayed on the mountain top And never experienced pain, I would never appreciate God's love And would be living in vain.
I have so much to learn And my growth is very slow, Sometimes I need the mountain tops, But it's in the valleys I grow.
I do not always understand Why things happen as they do, But I am very sure of one thing. My Lord will see me through.
My little valleys are nothing When I picture Christ on the cross He went through the valley of death; His victory was Satan's loss.
Forgive me Lord, for complaining When I'm feeling so very low. Just give me a gentle reminder That it's in the valleys I grow.
Continue to strengthen me, Lord And use my life each day To share your love with others And help them find their way.
Thank you for valleys, Lord For this one thing I know The mountain tops are glorious But it's in the valleys I grow!
by Jane Eggleston
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Staying accountable....
I receive compliments constantly of how well we parent. Or even how our children are so well behave. "You must be doing something right" they say. It might look like we are perfect parents, but boy, learning comes at all ages of life.
But there is a hard trait that I will own up to. I am not perfect (say what?? Your not perfect :)and I'm the first to admit to it that. My sharp tongue....
This is my down fall!! I have my dads short fuse and sharp mouth. I know it and truly find it a horrible trait. That I am trying to break. I catch myself, telling myself, "you sound like your father!" I am no Mrs. Duggar. She speaks softly and gently to her children.
Well, since I keep catching myself. I started apologizing to my kids. They don't need that sharpness to learn, listen and obey! I have reached the point of counting to 10. Before reacting or saying anything. I can not stand to see their hurt faces any more. I know they need to be corrected, when they get out of hand. But I'm the adult, the mother, the Christian who needs to stand accountable. So as I write this....I am standing here, being accountable. To myself, my children and my Lord
Proverbs 15:4 NIV
The soothing tongue is a tree of life,
but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15:32 NIV
Those who disregard discipline despise themselves,
but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.
Chapter 3- Authentically Me
I'm going to blend all 4 sections together in this chapter. This chapter is all about Me, and You.
We are perfectly picked from His hands. Do you realize how valuable you are? I don't all the time. My self image has always been low. But being overweight affects the brain and how the world views you affects my self image. My self worth goes up and down as well. I think thats with every women!?
I have never gotten many kind words from my dad. Not that he was mean. He just wasnt into giving out compliments. Not until this last year, did my dad actually give me many compliments. Did you know that when he gave me a compliment my self worth jumped a mile up into the air!? Why? Because I have made my own self worth through the years. Not waiting around for him to "bless" me with his words. I knew I wouldn't get anything from my dad. So I made sure to push through and work hard to show everyone else my worth. I didn't want that one distraction to lessen my self worth. I knew my potential was great!
(Jeremiah 1:5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.)
Reading/listening to His words......... Like a daughter to her Father. He chose, set apart , and annointed me! On purpose! For, A purpose! For some reason I feel a glow around me when I think about God choosing me! I feel like I can embrace my special role/roles. But do you know your role? Or do u feel like ur still floating around not sure where to plant your feet. If you think about it and accept it. He has selected the "soil" where you're presently growing. He knows what is going to happen next. How you will reach your potential and use your gifts. To grow. To yield. To produce. Do you know your value in God's eyes? Like the author said....."Resolve to love being you, the way He loved creating you."
What makes you unique? Ask yourself. Ask others. Write them down! Your strengths and weaknesses. Accept and treasure your value! We never need to depend on others approval or compliments but yet as women we feel vindicated when we do get those from other women.
This chapter is about accepting yourself. Your unique self. Not everyone is going to like it. But it was made with a hand of your Father. Grow, Yield, Produce!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
January is done!
Well, well, well......January was a true success! I've never had this kind of success. Lost 3 lbs a week, too round out the month with a 12 lb weight lost.
Half way through I wanted to quit because I was at the point of "weight loss was not happening so why keep going?" But thanks to encouraging words from friends, that are also trying to loose weight, I continued on. And boy, am I ever thankful to them!
On Sunday, January 29, I have also started the South Beach diet, phase 1. Phase 1, I thought would be a huge challenge. But it really hasn't. I am feeling great! I still have to watch myself with the snacking. That's what has always been a downfall. Grab something unhealthy for a quick something to pass the time.
Phase 1 is a 2 week phase that involves no sugar. I mean NONE! I haven't had one treat, nor bread, in 4 days! Carb's are my "crack" addiction. Ever since I was little! I have a picture of myself sneaking into a cracker box when I was 5. That picture, as adorable as it is ;) tells me a lot.
I know I have been a very active child, and adult. But my problem has always been eating choices. And the amount. I love food! You can tell more than half my family is from the south :) Mmmmm, butter, carbs and dessert!! Paula Deen style!
So here we go into February. Goal- another 12 lbs!! I have 8 more days of Phase 1. Then I am going to do another round of body measurements. I will also see if I want to continue another round of Phase 1 or move on to Phase 2.
(Now on another note....the kids. I have not changed their diet to Phase 1. I have however added many more vegetables to their daily lives. I've still had to make some changes. But they are taking it like good troopers!)
Here we go.....February!!!