Pretty in Print?
After reading this chapter I am so grateful I am a women. A purposefully feminine Christian women....
My husband calls me the heart of the household. My opinion is asked for in every decision, I know what is going on in a daily bases and yes, I usually know more that him. But that's the hearts structure. Doesn't mean I'm the boss, or I'm the one with the "pants on" in the family, just means to keep everything and everyone running smoothly you need one central location to go to.
Now knowing this, and realizing now that I have read the first part of the chapter. That is a big role!! I'm in the spotlight! Forget having to be on stage and thousands watching and hearing you. This involves your children and how they perceive you. Yikes! Will I cause my daughters either to desire biblical femininity or fight against it. Will I encourage or sons either to appreciate it or take advantage of it. Whoa! I never saw it as that. Did you? Are you ready for that role or do you feel repressive?
It's Good to Be a Girl
Do you understand your role? The importance of your role? Your touch, experience, wisdom and feminine heart.
On page 40, the second full paragraph...after reading the story about the Samaritan woman and Jesus...I now understand my biblical role of womanhood in this day and age. God's Word says we're "Good. Necessary. Important. Worthy. Trustworthy." Being a women is a gift!
I just want to say Ahhhhh....feels great that God trust me as a women in such a special position in this world. Its such a big deal, if I think to deep, eeek! Such a big deal.
Role Reversal
Ok, I really want to take a minute and talk about a lot in this section. Such a little section but such a big impact to me.
Do you realize what she is saying about Jesus? He was the most powerful Man to ever walk the earth and even He could display humility in order to achieve a much, much greater result!!! What women don't understand these days is 'order matters'!! You might not like it, understand it or even agree to it But it matters! Less chaos arises. Life is simpler! Don't you agree?
Submission is a word no modern women wants to hear these days. Most think we are inferior then. But it is so far from being correct.
(Ok, here is my opinion. Take it how you want to. You might not like it.And I'm ok with that.......I love my husband having the head role in my house!! Do I agree to every decision, nope. But I know my role. I will not ridicule him, be little him, or humiliate him. I am responsible for my part in our relationship. We are not yellers. I voice my opinion when I think its needed. In a respectful way! Husbands love and grow when you give them respect. I feel that is showing my submission to him.)
And like the last paragraph in the chapter says...."A place if freedom and PEACE awaits every woman who aligned herself with God's design." I so agree with this!!!
Ok, ok :) I'm done. Please comment away!!